Sunday, October 7, 2007

Who Killed Diana?

In this Sunday's article of the Daily Express further facts come out regarding her death - the bodyguard speaks and reveals who was at fault. In short, the driver was drunk, he says.

The British Government has apparently decided to open a formal inquiry after all these years. That should be sufficient time for certain memories to start failing, for facts to fall out of alignment, verification to be all that much more difficult, and therefore a generalization is all that will result from this.

Diana died because the people smothered her with attention. Like some giant dumb baby doll, the English people wanted their Diana - and the iron arm of the press was there to sledgehammer their will into being...albeit in this case the hammer killed the very object of their affections. The photo guys are paid like bounty hunters for the pics. Bounty hunters are not known for being civilized.

More ridiculous than the on-going obessions with this unfortunate accident is Fayad's reported belief that the British Government had something to do with this - like the driver wasn't drunk at all, and they planted booze in his apartment, as well as his bloodstream (how does one plant alchohol in a bloodstream one wonders?). The obvious flaw with his idea is that if the driver were not drunk and involved in the plot, he wouldn't on someone else's orders crash himself to death - how ludicrous is that? Its not like the security chief of the Ritz Carlton was expecting to meet virgins in heaven... pretty sure he wasn't a Muslim.

My best advice: leave Diana to Rest in Peace. Remember the dear lady, and mark it down to America's Number One Cause of Death: DRUNK DRIVING.

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